Q: Who typically attends the Forums?
A: Leaders from provider organizations are the majority. Typically the VP of Revenue Cycle as the conversations are strategic in nature. Handful of vendors (limited to 6 with 2 participants each) and guests will also be participating. We try to have representation from physicians and payors with us.
Q: Why is this different than an HFMA or Beckers?
A: Unlike big conferences this is an “All In” type of event. We will be eating together, challenging each other, helping our peers and generally just having a good time. This is meant to be interactive and a time for reflection on your business. We ask that you put your phones away for the time we are together. So yeah…it’s different.
Q: What topics are covered and who decides them?
A: Our advisory board made up of eight provider leaders is the driving force behind topics. We are small and nimble which allows us to change course and cover the most relevant topics. In fact, we’ve been known to change course during a Forum to hit topics people want to talk about.
Q: What role do the vendors play? Do I have to do an exhibit hall?
A: We see vendors as partners and key to bringing change to revenue cycle. We want them at the table but the Forums aren’t the place for selling. No exhibit halls or a showcase of their goods. We do give them feedback though through a focus group session.